+45 7022 5489     info@knheli.dk



KN Helicopters’ code of conduct emphasizes our commitment to ethical practices, environmental protection and community support. Our code of conduct applies to all personnel in KN, our contractors/sub-contractors, business relations and partners. 

In KN Helicopters’ code of conduct we are committed:

Legal compliance

  • to comply with the laws of the applicable legal systems, i.e. to meet relevant national legal requirements, applicable in the countries where we conduct business.

Prohibition of corruption and bribery

  • We tolerate no form of and no engagement directly or indi­rectly in any form of corruption or bribery and not to grant, of­fer or promise anything of value to a government official or to a counterparty in the private sector to influence official action or obtain an improper advantage.

Respect for the basic human rights of employees

  • to promote equal opportunities for and treatment of employees irrespective of skin color, race nationality, social background, disabilities, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, sex, or age.
  • to respect the personal dignity, privacy, and rights of everyone.
  • to refuse to employ or make anyone work against his will.
  • to refuse to tolerate any unacceptable treatment of employees such as mental cruelty sexual harassment or discrimination.
  • to provide fair remuneration and to guarantee the applicable national statutory minimum wage.
  • to prohibit behavior including gestures, language and physical contact that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative.
  • to comply with the maximum number of working hours laid down in the applicable laws.
  • to recognize as far as legally possible the right of free association of employees and to neither favor nor discriminate against members of employee organizations or trade unions.
  • to meet internationally recognized human rights.

Prohibition of child labor

  • to employ no workers under the age of 15 or in those coun­tries subject to the developing country exception of the ILO Convention 138 to employ no workers under the age of 14.

Environmental protection

  • to act in accordance with the applicable statutory and interna­tional standards regarding environmental protection.
  • to minimize environmental pollution and make continuous im­provements in environmental protection.
  • to set up or use a reasonable environmental management sys­tem.

Responsibility of supply chain

  • to use reasonable efforts to promote among suppliers’ compli­ance with this Code of Conduct.
  • to comply with the principles of non-discrimination with regards to supplier selection and treatment.

Conflict Minerals

  • to take reasonable efforts to avoid in products, the use of raw materials which directly or indirectly finance armed groups who violate human rights.

Fair competition, anti-trust laws and intellectual property rights

  • to act in accordance with national and international competi­tion, laws and not to participate in price fixing, market or cus­tomer allocation, market sharing or bid rigging with competi­tors.
  • to respect the intellectual property rights of others.

Health and safety of employees

  • to take responsibility for the health and safety of employees.
  • to control hazards and take the best reasonably possible precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases.
  • to provide training and ensure that employees are educated in health and safety issues.
  • to set up or use a reasonable occupational health & safety management system.